by Beth Anderson

This is a short, introductory, noncomprehensive list of web sites that might be considered useful for anyone interested in women or music or women in music. I have placed emphasis on sites that are related to women and music.


To find composers/musicologists/friends, etc., if you know the city and/or state in which the person lives. You can type in the person's name and any geographical information you may have. and get a snail mail address and phone number. Or, on the Internet go to http://www.bigfoot.com for a national list of e-mail addresses. For composers, contact his/her publisher - addresses on this site, http://host.mpa.org/mpa/publist.html

American Composers Forum

You can have them link their page to yours and you can link to theirs. ompfrm@maroon.tc.umn.edu

American Music Center

In order to have your own web page, you might want to ask The American Music Center to help ( email: center@amc.net or dwcm@ix.netcom.com or write them at 30 They will do it as inexpensively as possible ($350). You can include descriptions of your works (including lists of your CDs and scores and where to obtain them), your education and background, personal artistic statements, photographs, upcoming performances and reviews. If you already have scores in the Center's collection, a listing of these will be available from your page with information about how members can check them out. If you've already set up a personal home page and you're a member, they will link you to their Individual Artists Pages without charge.

American Music Resource

A music bibliography and a gopher site since 1993 It is recently updated and appears at AMR contains bibliographies, lists, Internet links and text-files covering all styles of American music, related issues, theory and technology. The collection is indexed into topics (style, genre: currently 52) and by subjects (mostly composers: currently 71--some of them women) for a grand total of well over 100 specific areas. Topics include Women in Music. The entire collection contains 850+ files and over 600 selected URLs. The "Selected Annotated Netography" provides further external links and offers research and Internet assistance. Use of the collection is efficient since it is text-only.

American Musicological Society

WWW Sites of Interest to Musicologists and musicians of all sorts, Musicologists' Email Adresses, Forthcoming Conferences, Doctoral Dissertations in Musicology, Award and Fellowship Guidelines, Journal of the American Musicological Society, and many connections to other sites. From this site I found a huge amount of texts that are in public domain. There is also a long list of libraries' sites and musical news lists' addresses. It is an amazing place. A must see.(Note: There is a great article (on paper) in "Computing In Musicology: An International Directory of Applications" Volume 10, 1995-96 published by the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities, Stanford, CA called "Tools for Musical Scholarship on the World-Wide Web" by Robert Judd rjudd@sas.upenn.edu.)


It includes a searchable database of member works.


If you ever want to find out if some words you want to set to music are under copyright, this is one place to go. Also, a database of works.

Brass Music

Monique Buzzarte buzzarte@dorsai.org has compiled an excellent searchable database of brass compositions by women composers.


Monica J. Hubbard mhubbard@cco.caltech.edu is a fount of information regarding choirs. On her web site you will find links to ChoralNet (an international music resource for choral conductors) and a small discography of women's choral music as well as links to other web sites of interest to choral musicians. She also maintains a list of choral music publisher e-mail addresses which she sends monthly to Choralist subscribers. (Information on how to subscribe to Choralist is found on the ChoralNet link). For ChoralNet go to www.choralnet.org It can be accessed in English, German, French and Spanish, and is the most comprehensive international site available for all matters choral.For the discography of women's choruses http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~musicpgm/mhubbard/disco.html Go look. Hubbard also suggests that you may be interested in the ACDA Women's Chorus Repertoire Exchange, coordinated by Dr. Ricardo Soto RicSoto@aol.com. To receive an application for the exchange, send an e-mail to Dr.Soto. Hubbard is Founding Director of the women's choral music program at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA where her women's chorus is celebrating its 25th anniversary. She was also the choral coordinator for the 10th International Congress of the IAWM held Spring 1997.


Here you'll find the complete text to all Copyright circulars and a gateway to search their automated file (COHM) which contains all registrations made since 1978. They'll be adding a FAQ in the near future. If you and/or your publisher registered, your work will be in this file. There can be a lag time; sometimes it takes up to a year to process material, but it's not normally that long. You may e-mail specific copyright questions to copyinfo@loc.gov. You can call the Library of Congress Music Division at (202) 707-5507 or the Recorded Sound Section at (202) 707-7833. The copyright office information comes to us from Stephen Soderberg, Music Division, Library of Congress ssod@loc.gov.

Digital Media

Studio XX in Montreal Quebec, is a Women's Digital Media Intervention Group committed to facilitating access to technology for women by: providing resources, workshops, and by producing, events, works, and conferences or panel discussions. They also link members of diverse communities (linguistic, cultural) through technology. Reach them by sending mail to Kathy Kennedy at studioxx@internauts.ca or kathyk@alcor.concordia.ca

Digital Notation

Dr. Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner is a very active writer, researcher and creator of women's dicsographies. Send her email at: ehturner@serial.music.uiowa.edu. Her web page has links to many music organizations, sound/video files of some of her compositions, and includes a web site about digital notation and online transmission of notation information on the WWW, among other things. She says it is easy to post soundfiles on the web, "-- just save your files as AIFF or WAV files, put them on your server and other folks can download them."

Early Music by Women Composers

This fabulous site was created by Sarah Whitworth. If you want to email her, send to: whitwrth@is2.nyu.edu. It includes a chronological list of women composers born before about 1765, with links to an annotated, illustrated CD discography; links to early women composers Mostly MIDI Soundfiles, a list of music publishers (with a special section on Editons Ars Femina and the Ars Femina Ensemble) and an extensive annotated bibliography. The majority of the illustrations on the page are artworks by early women artists (see discography).

Early Music Links

This is a subdivision of the page for the Renaissance and Baroque Society of Pittsburgh, which offers an excellent directory for early music. For information on the Journal, Early Music America, and links to other sites, see: http://www.cwru.edu/org/ema/

Film Music

I you ever have a question about women and the movies, try the Library of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Harmonia Mundi France

The site features the complete catalog (arranged both by title and by composer), complete with a great deal of detailed information and hundreds of CD covers in JPEG format; biographies, discographies and tour information for harmonia mundi artists; listings of their most recent releases and award winners; and special features (under What's Hot). Harmonia Mundi USA info@hmusa.com is the US branch of Harmonia Mundi France.

Hildegard Publishing Company

Talk to Sylvia Glickman sglickman@hildegard.com. Ms. Glickman is not only publishing our music (historical and current), she and Martha Furman Schleifer are co-editing for the Macmillan Publishing Company www.mlr.comgkhall a 12-volume anthology entitled "Women Composers: Music Through the Ages" (volumes I: women born up to 1599 and II: the 17th C. are in print; the three 18th C. volumes will be out later this year, with 19th and 20th to follow.)


Katt Hernandez has a site up for the Coalition of Women Improvisers and Composers whose aim is to try and get more young women involved in playing new music-composing, jazz, electronic music, free improvisation, rock, etc.


re musicians and injuries


The recorder: http://www.iinet.net.au/~nickl/recorder/html
The crumhorn: http://www.iinet.net.au/~nickl/crumhorn.html
A history of electronic musical instruments http://www.ief.u-psud.fr/~thierry/history/history.html
The theremin has a page at http://www.nashville.net/~theremin/
And for those of us who still play the piano, you can see the piano technician guild's piano page at http://www.prairienet.org/arts/ptg/homepage.html

Journal of Music Theory

Back issue information, writers, format data.


The CD/recording company started by Marnie Hall with lists of offerings. She's having a little trouble with the order form but it will soon work.

Leonardo Music Journal

The 1996 volume 6 of Leonardo Music Journal has papers that are part of Leonardo's Women, Art & Technology project. That project is an ongoing one that aims to encourage women artists to document their work in Leonardo and in Visitors to the web site can click on the heading "Sound" if they are specifically interested in Leonardo Music Journal. To order a journal subscription or to order back issues, interested persons should contact the MIT Press via email at journals-orders@mit.edu or call 617-253-2889; fax 617-258-6779. Address: MIT Press Journals, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142 I reached them through Patricia Bentson isast@sfsu.edu. Grace Sullivan is the Managing editor of Leonardo Music Journal and the Sound area of the web site.

Music Education

The site has Mr. Note: A character used to teach young children basics of musical notation. You can either download the Mr. Note Unit Plan or play the Mr. Note's Finale game. Lesson Plans: Organized according to grade level. Visitors are encouraged to submit original materials of their own to the site.Colleage Corner: Music Educators desiring to use the Internet to connect with other music educators should visit this department. Newsgroup, listserv and chat information available here.Building Blocks: Resource links for all music educators. Links to sites that teach music to the web surfer. Games, activies and online music lessons abound here. Make sure you point your cursor at the little 3d icons. There are some animations hidden there. Contact Jeff at talents@snoopy.bunt.com.

New York Women Composers, Inc.

The catalogue of compositions written by New York Women Composers, Inc.'s members (large and currently incomplete). This site also includes some biographical information, sources for obtaining the scores listed, and information on joining the organization and having your scores listed here.

Notation & Sound files

Gregory Reeve gremusic@interport.net says his site is "THE WEB PAGE dedicated to covering and continuously updating nearly everything in 20th and 21st Century Art Music: Notation files, Sound files, Concert Schedules, New Music information and resources, Composer and Performer profiles, and links to all other New Music sites. We invite the adding of links to this site by all members of the new music community--from composers to publicists. No style of music will be rejected as long as it has been written for the sake of art and not solely for commerce."

Princeton University Music Listening Library

Tom Moore at the Music Listening Library, Princeton University can be reached at STMOORE@PRINCETON.EDU or stmoore@phoenix.Princeton.EDU A large collection of links to composers' home pages can be found at http://www.princeton.edu/~stmoore/musiclinks.html When you have a home page, send the address to him and he will add it to his list of links. The more places you are listed and linked, the easier it is for more people to learn about you and your work/music. He is also happy to lend CDs on inter-library loan. Contact your local library's ILL office (get the call number for the disc first and if it's not yet cataloged in the online cat, it can still circulate). To view their monthly new acquisition lists, point your WWW browser to http://www.princeton.edu/~mlislib/mlisacqlist.html


The Internet Public Library Reference Center has every useful reference work accessible via the Internet.

RISM (Rˇpertoire International des Sources Musicales)

RISM provides four databases: (1) RISM A/II: A graphical online thematic catalog, with ca. 400,000 melodic musical incipits for musical manuscripts written after 1600 that are held by 451 libraries in 23 countries. (2) The U.S. RISM Libretto Project, with more than 13,000 libretti in the Schatz Collection at the Library of Congress. (3) RISM Library Directory with addresses and sigla of international libraries holding musical sources. (4) RISM Bibliographic Citations, with citations for secondary sources referred to in other RISM online databases. Also see the RISM home page at: http://www.rism.harvard.edu/rism/


A. M. Savage (asavage@bgnet.bgsu.edu) has a resource web page on women and rock'n'roll ("a resource page for academics, practitioners and enthusiasts who feel an investment in women's music") called Gyrating, Vibrating & Rocking all Night Long!: Women's Voices in Music. For more rock information, try Rockrgrl rockrgrl@aol.com or on the web, go to http://www.indieweb.com/rockrgrl

Schumann, Clara

It includes a short biography, startup bibliographies, a works list, and links to other composers. You can also become a member of the Clara Schumann Society! Look for the membership page for details. If you don't have access to a World Wide Web browser, and would like a table of contents by which to order email copies of some of the files, please send your email request, or any comments or suggestions you might have to daksmith@indiana.edu where you will reach David Kenneth Smith.

Society of Composers, Inc

. http://kahless.isca.uiowa.edu/~kcorey/sci/sci.html
Membership organization with information regarding activities and members.(sci@vaxa.weeg.uiowa.edu)

Society for Music Theory's Committee on the Status of Women (CSW)

The CSW-Home Page contains information about the committee and its ongoing projects, including a Bibliography of Resources in Music and Women's Studies, SMT's Guidelines for Non-Sexist Language, and an Archive of Syllabi from Women and Music Courses. If you have any questions regarding the CSW-Home Page, or need technical assistance in accessing it, contact David Loberg Code (e-mail: code@wmich.edu) at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.

Songs by American and British Women

Christopher Reynolds chreynolds@ucdavis.edu has created a feature on his home page, entitled: "Bibliographic List of Published Songs Composed by American and British Women, ca. 1890-1930." The information includes title, composer, poet, publisher, date and city of publication, and accompaniment for 2700 (it has been updated to 5000 entries Summer 1997) songs by women. Mr. Reynolds says: "Writing in Boston in 1900 or shortly before, Rupert Hughes observed that one music publisher had seen compositions by women grow from "only one-tenth of his manuscripts a few years ago" to "more than two thirds". To consult this bibliography: Click on "Music", again on "Music Department Faculty" and then on his name. He welcomes input from anyone who would like to help expand this list. car@charles.ucdavis.edu

Women Of Note Quarterly


Women Online News

articles "by and about prominent women online, regular features that focus on online content and some technical "how to" tips. An interactive forum may already be available. A short version of the newsletter is distributed on a mailing list to reach out to women who are not on the Web." (Note: Lesbian.org (http://www.lesbian.org) the most popular and well respected web site for lesbians online.)

Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory

Included on this web site are the "Feminist Yellow Pages", providing links to sites related to women's issues broken down by category for easy browsing.

WOW'EM (Women On the Web--ElectronMedia)

A site aimed at young women with interests in the media arts.


the largest search directory for women online. WWWomen was chosen by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best places for women on the Web.

ZAP the Vienna Philharmonic

Monique Buzzarte is also an advocate for women musicians and has recently focused her efforts to spotlight media attention on the Vienna Philharmonic's exclusion of women with her "Zap the VPO" web page http://www.dorsai.org/~buzzarte/zapvpo.html and email list (to subscribe, send a message to maiser@raildelivery.com with: SUB zapvpo Your Name.

*If you could use my 10 page hand-out, "THE INTERNET FOR WOMEN IN MUSIC (and those curious about them)", it is now up on my web site at http://www.users.interport.net/~beand/ifwm.html People who do not own computers have been known to purchase computers with modems and get on-line after reading this. Some teachers give it to their students.

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Copyright 1997 Beth Anderson
updated January 6, 2025