Publishers of Beth Anderson's Music:
- Recital Music, England
- They publish May Swale (for double bass solo) and
Cleveland Swale (for two double basses and piano)
- The address:
Vale Cottage
The Hamlet
Somerset BA8 0HJ
United Kingdom
- Antes/Bella Musica, Germany
- They publish three versions of SEPTEMBER SWALE (for piano solo,
for violin with piano duo, and for mandolin and guitar duo).
- Edition 49 is the distributor.
- Shop for it at
- Joshua Corp./General Music
- which was bought by Screen Gems-EMI Music Inc. and
distributed by Boston Music Company
- They publish EIGHTH ANCESTOR (for violin or flute with oboe or clarinet, and cello and piano;
or Baroque flute, alto recorder, harpsichord and cello), SKATERS SUITE (for violin or flute with oboe or clarinet, and cello and piano; or Baroque
flute, alto recorder, harpsichord and cello), LULLABY OF THE EIGHTH ANCESTOR (for flute or violin and piano), and PREPARATION FOR THE DOMINANT:
outrunning the inevitable (for ocarina or flute solo).
- The distributor's site is:
- J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.
2480 Industrial Boulevard
Paoli, Pennsylvania 19301
Toll Free Music Line: 1-800-345-6296 (United States)
Toll Free Fax Line: 1-800-260-1482 (United States)
Local Line: 610-648-0500 (for those outside of the toll free calling area)
- Schirmer Books
- ("Scores", by Roger Johnson, 1980 anthologizes 2 scores of mine.)
- Ear Magazine
- (issues EAR #8, 10/73 and EAR #5, 5/73 include scores)
- Flash Art
- Heute Kunst
- Women's Work
- published by Alison Knowles and Annea Lockwood
All other scores are available from the composer
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Copyright 2003-2007 Beth Anderson
Last Updated February 26, 2007