Publishers of Beth Anderson's Music:

Recital Music, England
They publish May Swale (for double bass solo) and Cleveland Swale (for two double basses and piano)
The address: Vale Cottage The Hamlet Templecombe Somerset BA8 0HJ United Kingdom
Antes/Bella Musica, Germany
They publish three versions of SEPTEMBER SWALE (for piano solo, for violin with piano duo, and for mandolin and guitar duo).
Edition 49 is the distributor.
Shop for it at
Joshua Corp./General Music
which was bought by Screen Gems-EMI Music Inc. and distributed by Boston Music Company
They publish EIGHTH ANCESTOR (for violin or flute with oboe or clarinet, and cello and piano; or Baroque flute, alto recorder, harpsichord and cello), SKATERS SUITE (for violin or flute with oboe or clarinet, and cello and piano; or Baroque flute, alto recorder, harpsichord and cello), LULLABY OF THE EIGHTH ANCESTOR (for flute or violin and piano), and PREPARATION FOR THE DOMINANT: outrunning the inevitable (for ocarina or flute solo).
The distributor's site is:
J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc. 2480 Industrial Boulevard Paoli, Pennsylvania 19301 Toll Free Music Line: 1-800-345-6296 (United States) Toll Free Fax Line: 1-800-260-1482 (United States) Local Line: 610-648-0500 (for those outside of the toll free calling area)
Schirmer Books
("Scores", by Roger Johnson, 1980 anthologizes 2 scores of mine.)
Ear Magazine
(issues EAR #8, 10/73 and EAR #5, 5/73 include scores)
Flash Art
Heute Kunst
Women's Work
published by Alison Knowles and Annea Lockwood

All other scores are available from the composer by writing

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Copyright 2003-2007 Beth Anderson
Last Updated February 26, 2007